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Definite Integral as the Limit of Sum


Definite integral of a function f(x) from x=a to x=b w.r.t. x represent area under the Slide3

curve from x=a to x=b as shown in the figure.


The area under the curve can be divided into rectangular regions but the area under the curve will not be exactly equals to sum of areas of rectangles. If we increase the number of rectangles the area will become closer and closer to the area under the curve. If the number of rectangles are taken sufficiently large i.e. approaches infinity such that the width of each rectangle approaches zero, the area under the curve becomes approximately equals to sum of areas of rectangles.

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3 responses to “Definite Integral as the Limit of Sum”

  1. Shveta Kalra Avatar
    Shveta Kalra

    Great way to understand the concept..

  2. Sanchita Seth Avatar
    Sanchita Seth

    This reminded me of our 12th Class Integrals Lecture 🙂

    Great of out of the class learning Sir!

  3. Rajdeep Singh Avatar
    Rajdeep Singh

    Congratulations sirji! Keep it up 🙂

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